Residence Resources
Bicycle Storage
Bike racks are available in front of South Village and Simcoe Village. Please note that the Residence does not assume any liability for bicycles stored in these areas.
Decorating Your Suite
- Nothing is to be affixed to your window to deface or compromise the general aesthetics of the outside of the building
- The only acceptable form of affixing items to walls is the use of double sided tape or magic mounts
- You may not decorate the outside of your suite door
- Posters within the Residence that advertise for any group or personal reasons must be pre-approved by the Residence Life Coordinator or General Manager
- Decorations should be fire-retardant or flame-proof
- Strings of indoor lights should not be in direct contact with any flammable materials and should not be left on while the room is unattended
- Real trees/plants are not permitted in the Residence
- Artificial snow is not permitted in the Residence
Simcoe Village’s garbage and recycling bins are located in the parking lot across from the Front Entrance. South Village’s garbage room is located at the end of the first-floor hallway past the laundry room. All cardboard must be broken down and put into the bin marked cardboard. Please be kind to the environment and recycle the following: plastic bottles, glass bottles, magazines and books, newspapers, and food cans.
Health Emergency Procedures
Take the proper steps if you or a friend needs emergency health care while in the Residence. Call “8100” for Simcoe Village and “8000” for South Village to reach the Front Desk Representative and request that an ambulance be contacted. Provide the Front Desk with your name, room number, location, and brief details of the problem. This will allow us to direct emergency service personnel to you as quickly as possible. Remember that the Residence Staff is trained and are available to you 24 hours a day. Put your safety first!
Healthy Living
In a Residence environment it is much easier for communicable diseases to spread. Here are some strategies to help keep you healthy and avoid catching some of the germs that may be prevalent from time to time:
- Keep up to date on your immunizations
- Wash your hands frequently
- Don’t share drinks or cigarettes
- Limit your contact with others when you are ill
- Get plenty of rest
- Eat a balanced diet
- Live a balanced life
- Maintain a clean suite
A housekeeper will come to your suite and clean your kitchenette and washroom. Your housekeeping service is not optional. To prepare your suite for cleaning, please ensure the counter, sinks, shower, and cabinets are clear of any dishes, appliances or any other personal items. Please ensure that your suite is free of garbage. Housekeepers do not clean bedrooms, wash dishes, or take out in-suite garbage.
You are responsible for arranging adequate insurance coverage for all of your belongings. The Residence’s insurance policy does not cover damage to or loss of your personal items. You should contact your family insurance agent to determine if you are covered under your parent/guardian’s home insurance and if so, for what amount.
Internet Access
Internet access is available in each bedroom and is included in your residence fees. You can either plug into the wired Internet by using an Ethernet cord or connect to the wireless network “Campus Air” by using your school login. Please contact the IT Services Department at ext. 3333 when experiencing internet connection problems and service concerns.
You have access to the common kitchen 24/7. The common kitchen in the Simcoe Village is on the 4th floor of the North Hall. The common kitchen in the South Village is on the 1st floor located in the Multi-Purpose Room. Cookware is not provided; therefore, students must bring their own. Please make sure that you leave the kitchen in the same condition as you found it.
Laundry rooms are located on the first floor in South Village and North Hall of Simcoe Village and in the basement of South Hall of Simcoe Village. The laundry machines are not coin operated. Laundry cards will be available for purchase in the laundry room; any money remaining on the card at the end of the school year will not be refunded. It is your responsibility to put money on the card by using the machine located in the laundry room. Please clean the lint trap before and after every load in the dryer. As well, do not leave your clothes in the machine past the end of the cycle. Please note that the Residence is not responsible for lost or stolen items of laundry left unattended.
These are common areas available for use by all residents and their guests. Each lounge offers different furnishings to suit varying tastes. Absolutely no glass or alcohol is allowed in any of the common areas. Furniture should not be removed from the Lounges for any reason.
Should you require routine service of any kind (i.e. electrical, mechanical, heating, and/or plumbing), please make a request at the Front Desk. While tending to maintenance issues, staff have the authority to enter your room (usually between the hours of 8am – 4pm unless there is an emergency). Should the toilet in your suite become plugged, it is your responsibility to clear it; plungers are available at the Front Desk.
All students parking on campus must purchase a parking permit. Residence students will be given a pass identifying their vehicle and an access card (only for South Village) for the residence parking lot. Parking passes can be collected from the schools parking office located in the Gordon Willey building (near main Reception Desk). For more information, or if you would like to purchase a parking permit, please visit: durham.parkadmin.com.
Guest Parking
Guest parking is located in the Pay and Display section of the parking lot located in the front of South Village and Simcoe Village. Guests are responsible for any charges incurred from parking there. Tickets are issued to vehicles parked in the fire route or in unregistered areas or time has expired on their parking ticket.
Personal Safety
For safety reasons, lit candles, cigarettes or incense are not permitted in the building. You risk your life and others if you tamper with fire equipment. If you bring friends into Residence you are responsible for their actions and conduct. Over consumption of alcohol can lead to harm or death. Illicit drugs are not welcome in Residence. Do not bring them to Residence and do not use them. If you are concerned about your safety or anyone else’s, talk to the RA on duty. Be sure to keep your door shut at all times. Safe decisions regarding sex require a clear mind. Alcohol inhibits your ability to hear and give consent.
Residence Security
The Residence offers great security from the moment you pass through the controlled main entrance, until you slide your electronic card into your suite door to let yourself in. We believe the safety and security of our students and staff is paramount. To that end, we require that all visitors in the building be signed in at the front desk before proceeding past the lobby. All of the common areas are video recorded and we have staff on duty 24 hours a day.
Safety and security is also the responsibility of every resident. All the safeguards and rules put in place by the Residence management and the Institution are for your safety and protection. Circumventing rules by lending key cards or letting in visitors without permission undermines these efforts and is not permitted. Lock your suite door at all times and avoid leaving valuables unattended as neither the Residence nor the Institution is responsible for missing items.
Do not leave your suite door open at anytime. This would include having your door “propped open”.
Why can’t you leave your door open or propped open?
Each suite is equipped with a fire rated door that allows for a barrier if a fire was to happen in Residence. The suite door must be kept closed in order to allow for this barrier to work. Staff will remind residents to close their suite door while doing their rounds or close any unlocked door as required.
Residents with Disabilities
For residents with mobility impairments, please contact the Residence management upon move-in to discuss evacuation procedures. Residents with a hearing impairment will be placed in a suite that is equipped with a strobe light that will notify them of a fire alarm.
Room Inspection Form
When you take occupancy of your room, you have 24 hours to complete a Room Inspection Form and return it to the Front Desk. When you move out, you will be charged for all dirty, damaged, and missing assets within your suite that you have not listed on the Room Inspection Form, so it is in your own best interests to conduct a thorough inspection. The common areas of the suite are the collective responsibility of you and your roommate. Charges will be shared between both of you for damages. Damages that can be traced to an individual will be billed to that individual only. If you and/or your guest(s) cause damage to the Residence building or property, you will be responsible to pay for the damage.
Room Keycard
Upon Move-In, you will be given an electronic room keycard. Keep your keycard with you at all times as it is your access into Residence, your room, and common areas. Residents are responsible for the cost of replacing keys if misplaced or lost. The cost of a new keycard is $20.00. If you are locked out of your suite, you will need to contact the Front Desk or your roommate to gain access. Residence Staff and Security reserve the right to see your key card while you are in the building.
Do not lend your keys to anyone! This is a violation of the Residence Community Living Standards and you will be subjected to disciplinary sanctions.
Debit/Credit card operated vending machines located within the Residence offer pre-packaged snacks and beverages.